

Scientific Insight in Ancient Antenatal Care - A Pilot Study

Karishma Narwani, Rajagopala, Chandrakant H Thakkar

Procreation and sibling rearing is a law of nature and given utmost importance in biological world. Ayurveda the medical system and science of life that cherished India from time unknown is also no exception for this. Much attention has been given by all most all seers of the past and they have covered all aspects of antenatal care, not only these embryological and genetic considerations too are well studied and recorded by them
The approach of Ayurveda to antenatal care is unique. It starts along with fertilization (or even before, age of marriage, mental and physical status of the partners, time of copulation, desired sex of off spring etc.) and continues till labour. Each and every aspect of growing fetus its needs along with health of mother for an easy, smooth and safe child birth are covered under this heading of "Garbhini Paricharya". Taking insight from the scientific aspects and benefits of this, we have made an attempt to study the same with research acumen, till date about 25 pregnant ladies have been studied. This pilot study shows very good results, even in post-natal period and in the neonate too very encouraging observations were made. The concept, explanation and the observations made will be explored in the full paper.

Discussion & conclusion:

In India mortality and morbidity among the mothers and children are very high due to negligent attitude regarding diet, personal hygiene, psychological well being and the increased prevalence of conditions like anemia, hemorrhage, infections, puerperal sepsis and toxaemia. In a developing country like India, 80% of women living in villages are out of reach of proper antenatal care programmes, which hamper the aim of maternal and child health care schemes to provide antenatal care for all the pregnant women. The classics of Ayurveda are enriched with fruitful suggestions to prevent antenatal abnormalities, to design normal delivery and to provide good neonatal care. It mentions certain specific mea sures from the very first day of conception. The aim of the management protocol is to protect is protect the mother and the growing fetus from various hazards. Personal hygiene as well as avoidance of physical and mental stress are given much emphasis in antenatal care

The present study was planned with two aims - one is to evaluate the effect of ancient antenatal care in mother and other was to observe its values on the babies. Out of 25 patients studied, in all observations majority showed normal values or fell well within the normal limits of antenatal and postnatal period as recorded in the modern texts. The difficult labour and also post natal complications were minimum in the present observation. The observations made proves that the antenatal care explained in the classical texts of Ayurveda have definite role to play in the safe and healthy mother hood and also a healthy and normal neonatal period of the offspring, hence it proves the high values of the concepts and also highlights the benefits of the same. Ayurveda, being a native system of medicare, it has reached to the core of the native folk, and because of this it is very easy to reestablish the benefits of Ayurvedic antenatal care amongst the general public. Now there is urgent need to formulate strategies of national level to promote Ayurvedic system of medicine to reduce the maternal morbidity as well as mortality rates and to implement them from top to grass root levels.


Karishma Narwani

Protection and sibling rearing is a law of nature and given utmost importance in biological world. Ayurveda the medical system and science of life that cherished India from time unknown is also no exception for this. Much attention has been given by all most all seers of the past and they have covered all aspects of antenatal care, not only these embryological but also genetic considerations are well studied and recorded by

The approach of Ayurveda to antenatal care is unique. It starts along with fertilization for even before) and continues till labour. Each and every aspect of growing foetus its needs along with health of mother for an easy, smooth and safe child birth are covered under the heading of “Garbhini Paricharya”
All the body parts of foetus are developed grossly in the first trimester. Body parts and psychological bhavas like chetana, manas and intellect become conspicuous in the second trimester. In the third trimester, overall growth and development of the body parts take place and the fully grown up Garbha awaits for delivery. The do's and don'ts that have to be followed in diet, physical activity, hygiene and conduct are similar in Ayurveda and western science, but the month wise regimen which is described in Ayurveda is unique. The present study was carried out at three different ante natal care centre of Gujarat. All registered pregnant ladies were given Jivaniya granules, Medya granules and Prithakprnyaadi granules for 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester, respectively and the effect was observed in mother and child both. The results remained encouraging.

Discussion & conclusion:

The classics of Ayurveda are enriched with fruitful suggestions to prevent antenatal abnormalities, to design normal delivery and to provide good neonatal care. It mentions certain specific measures from the very first day of conception. The aim of the management protocol is to protect the mother and the growing foetus from various hazards. Personal hygiene as well as avoidance of physical and mental stress is given much emphasis in antenatal care. Out of 86 participants studied, in all observations, majority participants showed normal values or well within the normal limits of antenatal and postnatal periods as per ICMR criteria. The difficult labour and also post natal complications were minimum in the present observation. The observation made proved that the antenatal care explained in the classical texts of Ayurveda have definite role to play in the offspring, hence it proved the high values of the concepts and also highlights the benefits of the same, Ayurveda, being a native system of Medicare, it has reached to the core of the native folk, and because of this it is very easy to re-establish the benefits of ayurvedic antenatal care amongst the general public with some clinico-pharmacological interventions. Now there is an urgent need to formulate strategies at national level to promote ayurvedic system of medicine to reduce the maternal morbidity as well as mortality rates and to implement them from top to grass root levels.

Importance of Nada Samskara in Natal Care

Dr. Karishma Narvani, Dr. Arpan Bhatt

It is believed that the evolution of the universe is from the sound of ‘Damru’ of Lord Shiva. According to the Samkhya philosophy, 24 elements are involved in the evolution of the universe arising from the union of Prakriti & Purusha, up to the manifestation of the Mahabhutas and the grosser objects thereafter. Panchamahabhutas are the first gross substances in the sequence of evolution. Ayurveda also believes that the generation of a body follows the same pattern. Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa and Gandha are the Tanmatras (subjects) of Akasha, Vayu, Agni, Jala & Prithvi Mahabhutas respectively and chronologically reside in Karna, Tvak, Chakshu, Jihva & Ghrana Jnanendriyas and Jihva, Hasta, Pada, Upastha and Payu Karmendriyas. Similar to the development of the other aspects, the development of Indriyas in intra uterine life is nourished as the mother follows ‘GARBHINI PARICHARYA’ (specific dietetic and lifestyle regimen of the Natal period).

Discussion & conclusion:

‘Saumanasya Janan’ is the main factor in ‘Garbhini Paricharya’. Naad – Sound effects on mind and body as well. It is being observed that no major complications are found in maximum number of pregnant ladies and gives birth to well grown and developed baby

Role of ‘GHRUTT’ (cow ghee) in ‘Garbhasamskar’in Antenatal Stage & Concept of intelligent (BUDDHI) according to Ayurved

Dr.Hitesh Jani

Garbha Sanskar is not a new concept in India. Today science has proved that intra uterine baby cannot only listen, touch, feel but also can respond by its on way. More than 60% intellect development occurs in intra uterine phase. Garbhasanskar- that are special scientific afferents taken to stimulate baby’s sense genteelly because so at that time cortical development is maximum. Buddhi or Intelligence, Intellect, talent and mostly depends upon mother’s prenatal care. Buddhi is an Ayurvedic term applied to ones own talent, Mind and intelligence runs handto-hand. They are close to each other and have special value in life. Every parent expects that there kid should be intellectual but they are not aware of taking special prenatal care of fetus as regards to intelligence. Hindu mythology says that Abhimanyu son of Arjun learned the famous war strategy - destruction of chakravyuh when he was in womb. Is it possible that fetus can learn during gestation period?

Discussion & conclusion:

Ghee’s widespread prevalence in Ayurvedic medicines and treatments is due to its beneficial effects on the digestion, absorption and delivery of Ayurvedic herbs. Ghee’s actions on both agni and ojas are hence at the heart of all Ayurvedic chikitsa. Ghee increases the oja by providing the raw materials to the immune system, it is a good antidote. . ghee as an anabolic, it prevents emaciation and maintains health of foetus and mother. Ghee also nourishes and regenerates the body and mind, improving the overall quality of life. Finally, Here our focuses on how such uses of ghee in both diet and treatments, antenatal care.

The preliminary concept of researches are related to the ancient Ayurveda along with modern medical science and infrastructure.
The researches are classified on the basis of procedure of Garbhsanskar and the science of pregnancy. The impact of cow products on antenatal care and Ayurveda is also studied.
The result of these various researches can be observed on the couples, foetus in the womb and after the child is born.


There are various kinds of music that we prefer to hear. Some loves to hear western music, some classical music and so on. It is said that during pregnancy, mother should preferably hear the classical music which helps in the development of the brain. Based on this concept, Garbhvigyan Anusandhan Kendra had introduced the music CD. These CD’s are month-wise and in which month which rag is more effective for the development of the baby.